Bergo Flooring AB

Bergo Flooring AB has been joining Stelio Bardi’s Principals big family since 2020.

Bergo produces Eco-friendly, recyclable & PVC-free interlocking floor tiles also IMO/MED certified, for application on external decks, balconies, promenades, playground areas, activity/sports areas, pools, creating an enhanced customer experience.

Bergo Marine tiles can be applied also on internal areas, in technical rooms such as laundries, refrigeration rooms, engine control rooms, etc.

The special design and the material used for Bergo’s tiles allow the construction of floating floors very resistant to load, to the test of time, draining, sound absorbing and slip reducing, combining important technical aspects with attractive decorative solutions.  

The quick installation needs no preparation or fasteners, reduces its time and it make it possible in any situation. The new area can be used immediately.

The light weight, long lasting and cost reducing Bergo Marine floor protects the painted deck for many years to come, requires minimal maintenance and can be supplied to new buildings as well as to ships in service.